Mice in the house as pests can be irksome and unhealthy for you and your family. Mice will often chew and gnaw on different parts of your house and structure that may cause damage over time. Mice also bring with them potential diseases and illnesses that can affect you and your family, so it’s best to get rid of these unwelcome guests as quickly as possible.

Finding Mice in Your House

Most likely you’ll notice a mouse in your house by finding their feces or chew marks on things. House mice are usually grey or brown in color and enjoy feeding on grains and cereals. However, these are not the only things they will eat. They are small and flexible, being able to squeeze through the smallest and tightest of cracks.

If you notice signs of a mouse in your house, it won’t stay at just one mouse for long. Female mice can have up to 10 litters of baby mice per year, which means if a mouse infestation isn’t properly taken care of, it can very quickly multiply.

Mouse Pest Control

Professional preparing trap for rats and mice in a home

One of the first initial steps in taking care of your mouse infestation is to find and seal all possible entry points into your home. This can take a while, since mice are flexible and can squeeze through very small and tight spaces. However, for mouse pest control, this is an important first step that needs to be taken care of. It will do you no good to get rid of the mice in your house if more can come in and take their place.

Mouse Traps

Mouse traps are one of the most common ways to address your mouse pest control problem. There are several different types of mouse traps that engage the mice in different ways, and experts recommend using a combination of types to maximize effectiveness. It’s also recommended to use more than one of each type of mouse trap. Very often people underestimate the size of their mouse pest control problem. Some experts recommend avoiding chemical and poison traps because if the mouse perishes deep inside a wall or another unreachable place, they may begin to decay and smell until you can remove it.

Humane TrapsMouse in live capture trap.

There are humane alternatives to the poison and chemical traps that result in mouse death. Baiting and live capture traps will help lead mice out of their hiding on their own without harm done to them. Capturing live mice gives you the opportunity to relocate them safely away from your home and into nature, where they won’t be able to return. These traps can take longer than others, however.

Alternative Methods

There are other methods you can substitute mouse traps for your mouse pest control problems. Some natural alternatives include utilizing strong smells against mice. Since their noses are more sensitive than ours, they can be deterred by certain smells. Overwhelming smells such as peppermint or cayenne pepper at certain entry points can keep the mice away without any harm to them. Additionally, the mere presence of some domestic pets, such as cats or dogs, can be enough to deter the mice altogether.

Clutter and Sanitation

While a relatively clean house can still attract mice, the less clutter you have in your home will help reduce the number of hiding spots for your mouse pest control problem. One of the main reasons mice enter your home to begin with is for the availability of food. Make sure to keep food in tightly sealed containers and clean up any crumbs or extra food laying out. Mice can also very easily chew through cardboard, so plastic containers are your best bet.

Mouse Pest Control at Prevent Pest

Prevent Pest Control can help you exterminate any mice or other pests that might be infesting your home. Visit our website or call (440) 322-0887 today!

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