
Pest Control

No matter where your pests are, we can handle them!

Preventing Bed Bug Infestations: Tips for February Travelers

By |February 8, 2025|Bed Bugs|

Bed bugs—just the thought of them can send a shiver down your spine. These tiny, blood-sucking pests are notorious hitchhikers, making them a significant concern for travelers. With February being a popular month for winter vacations and business [...]

Winter Spiders: Why They’re Moving Indoors | Prevent Pest Control

By |December 30, 2024|Spiders|

As temperatures drop, many insects and pests seek warmth and shelter, and spiders are no exception. While many people think spiders disappear in the winter, they’re often just moving to warmer environments—like your home. Winter spiders can become [...]

Winter Termites: Hidden Dangers in Colder Months

By |December 23, 2024|Termites|

As temperatures drop, many homeowners assume termites, like other pests, disappear in winter. However, termites are resilient and can continue causing damage year-round, often hiding deep within walls and foundations. Unlike other pests that become dormant, certain types [...]

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