Termites can be a nightmare for any building or home owner. A termite infestation can threaten structural integrity, causing costly repairs that can eventually lead to further damage if not taken care of properly and immediately. Termite removal can be a big job, so it may not always be possible to eradicate the infestation yourself with DIY methods. Here’s how a professional might address termite removal.
Termite Identification
Termites are often mistaken for other wood eating insects, most often carpenter ants. Carpenter ants also bore holes into wooden structures, so it can be difficult to tell who the culprit is just by finding small tunnels. When you do find the insect burrowing into your wood, the easiest way to identify it is by looking at its shape. A termite will have one abdomen without a visible waist, while ants will have clearly defined thoraxes and abdomens. Ants will often have bent antennae, while termites will have very short, straight antennae, and don’t have any eyes at all. Termites will also have wings that are much longer than their bodies, while ants will have wings that are only a little bit longer than their bodies.
What Attracts Them
Usually any sort of wood, dry or wet, will attract termites to a location. While carpenter ants just move the wood around to create their tunnels, termites actually eat and consume the wood for food. They prefer hidden spots away from places where they might be disturbed, usually in dark, warm, and moist places. Termites will enter a home or building from the outside, so if you suspect a potential infestation, check for possible entryways from outside into your home or building.
Identify an Infestation
Depending on the type of the infestation and how far it has already spread and progressed, you may need to approach your termite removal differently. The main three types of infestations are subterranean, dry wood, and damp wood. Depending on the area you live in, you will have different types of termites due to the surrounding climate and environment. Subterranean termites live in both soil and wood and are found all throughout the United States. Dry wood termites can be found in warmer, coastal areas, while damp wood termites mostly live in the Pacific Northwest.
Termite Removal
Again, it’s best to leave termite removal to professionals, but there are a few things you can do to address the infestation and potentially slow the spread of it. If you are slowly starting to notice termites, or want to attempt to prevent their entry into your building or home, you could begin with termite bait traps. This will lure in individual termites and cover them with insecticide or poison that will spread to the rest of the colony.
You could also spray insecticide into the soil around your home or building to deter termites from entering. This will either deter termites from entering or kill them on the spot before they can enter. Additionally, you could spray a foam agent to seal any openings that termites might try to enter through. If your infestation is severe, a professional might recommend fumigation for termite removal, along with replacing any damaged wood that may have been affected. Nevertheless, it’s best to contact professional pest control services to understand the full scope of your potential termite infestation.
Prevent Pest Control Termite Removal
If you need termite removal services from professionals, contact Prevent Pest Control today! Our exterminators are experienced in termite removal and prevention that will keep your home and building safe from termites. Visit our website or call (440) 322-0887 for more information!
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