Ticks are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans as well. Tick populations tend to peak in the spring and summer months. However, ticks can also go dormant during the winter months, but may also be active. We’ll be discussing when ticks go dormant and how to protect yourself from these pests.
What Are Ticks?
Ticks are parasitic creatures that live off the blood of mammals, reptiles, and sometimes birds. In the United States, ticks are most commonly found in wooded areas with high grasses or leaf litter. As tick populations have increased in recent years, so too has the number of tick-borne illnesses. Tick bites can transmit a variety of diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. To protect yourself from these illnesses from tick bites, it is important to know when ticks are most active.
When Are They Active?
Ticks are most active during the spring and summer months, when temperatures are warm and moisture levels are high. However, ticks can also be active in the fall and winter if the temperatures are mild. In general, tick activity peaks in May and June, before decreasing in July and August. Tick activity then begins to increase again in September and October as the weather cools off. If you live in an area where tick populations are high, it is important to take precautions year-round.
Avoiding Tick Bites
The best way to prevent tick bites is to avoid areas where ticks live (e.g., wooded areas with high grasses or leaf litter). If you must go into these areas, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts to help prevent tick bites. You should also use tick repellent on your clothes and exposed skin. Finally, conduct a full-body tick check after spending time outdoors. If you find a tick on your body, remove it immediately using tweezers or a tick removal tool. Be sure to disinfect the tick bite site afterwards. By taking these precautions, you can help reduce your risk of contracting a tick-borne illness.
Ticks In Winter
Ticks are most often associated with warm weather, but the truth is that they can be active even in winter. While tick populations do tend to decline during the colder months, there are still a number of dangers that they pose to both humans and animals. Ticks are known to carry a number of serious diseases, such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, so it’s important to take steps to prevent them from taking up residence on your property. One of the best ways to do this is to keep your lawn neat and tidy, as ticks tend to congregate in tall grasses.
You should also regularly check your pets for tick bites, as they can easily bring ticks into the home. If you do find a tick on yourself or a family member, it’s important to remove it promptly and carefully. To do this, use a pair of tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible, then gently pull it straight out. If you have any concerns about tick-borne diseases, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional.
Prevent Pest Can Eradicate Any Ticks!
Prevent Pest Control knows how pesky ticks can be, especially if you have an area that seems to be infested with them. Ticks can be dangerous to both people and pets, so it’s best to call a professional for any tick problem that you might find.
Prevent Pest Control can help you with ticks and any other pest problem you might come across. Visit our website or call (440) 322-0887 today to schedule an appointment!
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